Friday, April 23, 2010

Jello with HadaAvene syrup

OMG !! My title seem to be so juicy and yummy. This entries is more about my daily skin care routine naao. Remember my Hada Labo ??? Else this will help a little: Hada Labo. Let's start with my routine.

Step 1: Wash your face with your cleanser and for my case, I use Seba Med and lastly Hada Labo BHA+AHA. Yes ! I wash 2 times each time.

Step 2: Drip about 5 drop of Hada Labo on your palm (like the picture above), slightly rub both of your palm and faster apply on your face. The liquid a little like gel but not gel, water but not water. It's between watery to gel foam. You will feel a little sticky when apply on face. Not FINISH yet !!
Step 3: Dap your hand all over your faces. You will find your skin are so much soft and glow when Hada absorb in your skin. The wouldn't feel any stickiness when it dry. Only your glowing and soft skin. Ain't it's like magic !!! Is a MUST HAVE item on every women skin care list.

P/s: I will feel so much easier to apply my BB cream compare to last time. Maybe Hada already supply enough water to my skin and make my skin way too smooth until I'm way so easy to apply my BB cream watahel.

Step 4: Apply your daily moist and in this case I'm using Avene Cleanance. It cost me Rm65.00 for the big one and you get get it from most of the Watson store (small franchise might out of this) and Guardian too. This is best to work as make up base too. It's so much easier to apply on my BB cream after Avene Clenance.

P/S: I tried using normal toner and later on with Avene Cleanance, my BB Cream was so much easier to apply and then I try using Hada without any moist and my BB Cream was so much easier to apply too. This both product was so awesome to me. With this 2 product now, I'm so much easier to apply my BB cream every morning.

Step 5: Spray all over my face with Avene spring water as finishing something like make up watahel. It help to sooth down my face and it make my face feel even softer. 

P/s: All the product I'm using is on Oily and Blemish skin range. Especially Avene Cleanance. The rest are suitable for all range of skin type.

I hope this going to give another good review of product I'm using. If your doubt about using those product, naao you can give it a try to have the same sofu skin like tofu watahel =D

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Drink, drunk and Sleep in Mist

Wookies cookies, I'm not that daring to drink, drunk, sleep and shit in the mist yet because I alway believe they must me auwuwuwuw thing in the dark and misty place. Thing change when my dearly brought me to Mist regarding to Lawrence birthday celebration. Creepy sial rite !! Celebrate in the mist and we reaching there sharp at 12.00am. End up I enjoy a lot ... Know why ???? 

TADA !!! It's Mist club at Bangsar !! Spoted a girl DJ there beside DJ Monkey & DJ Funkzu rite !! Yups It's girl and she is specially invite all the way from Hong Kong ...

Close up to the yellow box there, It's the girl DJ I mean. Ms.Yellow. Wookies, I find she is way so cool. She came out with a pair of 'lalat' sunglasses and dance. OMFG !! She is way too cool and If I'm that thin and my face are just so bonny like hers, I'll definitely have a hair cut just like her. I'm in love with her naao.

Something kind of crazy happen when Ms.Yellow pop out on the stage. There is this girl wearing in white (I circle with yellow) keep taking Ms.Yellow shot. She is like a fans all the way from Hong Kong and keep "chik chak chik chak" and she can even stand on the podium to get her shot. She use to be in paparazzi team I bet. Maybe Ms.Yellow News already spread all over Hong Kong the next day.

P/S: There is a girl who eventually get high and dance with me. It's common but ..... She ask me

Girl: You club often yeah !!?
Jello: Err .... previously (both keep dancing)
Girl: Naao ???
Jello: Not that often. Slow down
Girl: Why ??? Promise me that I can see you every weekend here okay
Jello: *smile at her* 

Yeah, she is interested with me but I forget about her name .... xD

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jello lub Hada Labo

Hada Labo sound so much familiar ?? I can bet everyone watch their add on TV but never know it's called Hada Labo or you going to name it 'Neh that Japan Skin care product keep slapping on the face' watahel. I ¤ Haba so much but how much ?? Scroll down and read then you will know.
Wookies!! This is the Hada Labo that I mean. Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Moisturing Lotion (2 bolttle and the green is BHA + AHA cleanser). I been hunting 2 days down over all the Guardian outlet at Subang Jaya (not all la partially only). It's not on the rack already. I'm dream of it all day and night and I'm dying for it. It's like even you got 100 billion you can't but it anymore. Miracle happen !! I went to the Guardian which located nearby those Foreigner living place because I can sense they will never know what is Hada and Hada is expensive which actually cost me RM37.90 (watahel) after discount. That why I end up getting 2 bottle after few minute thinking there. I worried I can't find it anymore even I never try it .. really watahel

See or not !!! 1 sold every 4 seconds in Japan and that why I can't find and love it so much but still why ? When when I posting the review, definitely every reader will get 1 to try because it's not really that expensive (only 5 drop for whole face).
They actually left 3 bottle and I already bring 2 home. Left 1=D
Grab it fast people !!!!

The cleanser. It can gently help you to polish and refine your pores. It's true !! After few days using my white head drop off and even my wanna be ZIT gone after 2 days washing with this. This really suit for people who have oily and blemish skin like me.

You see naao !!! Why do I ¤ Haba so much. It help me to solve all my skin problem. More review will be done on my new combination of skin care product. My skin getting better each day.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jello @ Italianese

Never been better than P-A-S-T-A but I did prefer yummy chessy pasta than tomato paste actually. It was my very first visit to Italianese (I sound so village wth) because I was craving for pasta that moment and dear thinking was, Italian food should be good in making pasta. I been wanted to reach there for ages but never a chance allowed me but it's different this time. Thanks to my dearly =). I have tried it naao (now) but I'll only wanted to go there maybe twice a year or maybe 3, watahel (what the hell).  

This is the bread that will serve no matter which western restaurant you been (I mean like those Windmill, Victoria, San Francisco and etc wookies). Italian restaurant is a little different I guess. Scroll down and you will know and I'm in ¤ with this bread .. Yummy

Know what I mean naao ??? Their bread is to dip with Olive oil and the black thinggy is Vinegar I guess. It taste sour. They never spread it with butter like what we did in Victoria and Windmill.

I superb love this. The Appetizer but I forget about the name. I'm too busy to eat and I never bother to get all the details here actually watahel.

The main character!!! PASTA!! Unfortunately I forget what it called but it's cooked with tomato paste added some beef mince. It's a little way too salty for mie but dearly say OK, not bad, Nice ! I was like -______- oh too salty.

Great News: The above Appetizer + Main Course it's only Rm27.90 (roughtly cause I forget the exact price) during lunch time. Cheap rite and the portion is real Big as I don't think I can finish all alone even I'm kind of storing lot's of food in mai stomach.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Jello first post

Wookies !! It's my very first post here. I do have blog and it's tons of it. I'm coming out with another post absolutely nothing to do with anyone and not to avoid anyone. I just find it kind of messy over 'Illustration of my life' there. If you did follow my blog, you will know what I mean =)

Hopefully my very brand new blog will make all the readers stay with Jello until end of the life (wth). More updates will come in these few days
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