I just couldn't resist from getting something when there is sales going on. This is the most ultimate poison-ness month for me T_____________T
I said so because I get poison to buy Body Shop skin care product, and I nearly get their shimmer eyeshadow too. This is all the Crazy Wazy Sales going on at Body Shop and also my boy fault because he use Body Shop product all this while. After few attempt on poisoning me FAIL, this time he is realy happy. I know -_________- because I'm finally get cheat by them. WTfish !!!
Seaweed range <3
OMG the smell is so damn good until 1 day without it you will die.
It suit Oily and Combi skin FYI
I'm poison-ed by their Peach lotion too even I'm not a lotion person.
It's all because the PEACH scene ... OMFG
This cleanser is just so perfect.
I feel so refreshing after using it and it got the uhhhh ahmmm 'mint' feeling leaving on my skin
So adddictive wtfish !!
The most attractive of em is this ..
Very global friendly and also they are VEGE !!!
Even non living thig are an VEGETARIAN WTfish ... lol
This is nothing to do with BS or sales but I got Blink-blink poison recently.
Orite, I know I'm a bit out-dated as no one are into it anymore LMAO.
This is the most OHSEM Mee Jawa I have before
I'm actually get posion by this since I'm working here.
And, this is the last yummy-deli-cious food I ever had the day before I leave to K.Rompin
This is my boy NEW card and his card VIRGINITY all gave to me.
*evil grin* first swap on my iPhone and the following on all my petrol
ngek ngek ngek
It look so nice as it's semi TRANSPARENT !!!
These parot and rabbits just way so random here when I was slacking at Pyramid the other day with my boy .. LMAO .. Ain't that rabbit are so much kawaai ...
It's so darn bloogdy FAT !!! I just feel like squeezing them around my arm and pinching theu cheeck ... boooOOoohOo
Ehm .. know what ??? I get poison by Majorlica Majorca too T___________T
I just spend on their shimmer and liner and I'm lucky their mascara is out of stock or I'll get them out from the store .. WTF ( keep telling my self not to buy, I'm going to broke yet even more thing I buy ) But truly, I got to thanks my boy so much. We going around 1U the other day, and he bought me Roxy top which I like it so much. We actually walk in French Connection to seek for the dress I wanted, but I still look weird even I got bigger size. Fate ...
I know he's working hard to cheer me up for my coming 21st =) Thanks my awesome boy.
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